Sector Led Improvement
Children's Services in the East Midlands
The nine Local Authorities in the East Midlands work together to improve outcomes for children, young people and families through a sector-led approach. Since 2005, the LAs have collaborated through a series of strategic networks for directors and key senior leaders, some robust peer challenge processes and a range of seminars, leadership programmes and improvement projects. The current framework that defines this sector-led approach is a Regional Improvement Alliance.
Data Sharing
Within the East Midland’s sector-led improvement is a commitment to share data to inform the timely and accurate analysis of outcomes within the region. This includes the in-year, quarterly sharing of a defined set of social care, early help and school admissions data. Leicestershire LA hosts these data within a Tableau account, providing a wide suite of interactive charts and graphs. The national data published within LAIT is also available for analysis within Tableau. Please see below an example image of what these reports look like.
Each Tableau user has a unique login defined by their role and access to this facility is managed by who receives and approves any new requests.